So much has happened even in my first few weeks it's hard to know how to put it into words.
I really feel like i'm settling into the work here and really getting to know some of the people that work out here as PRs and ticket sellers etc, i'm finding out their stories, what makes them tick, and it's really exciting that they are open to talking about what we do here, why we do it and who Jesus is.
We've seen prostitutes at our church service, Workers out here giving their lives to God and a holidaymaker receiving salvation on the street because he realised that a life with Jesus offered him release from a lot of the things he was struggling with; he asked 'how do I get to know this Jesus guy?' and chose to become a Christian right there on the street! It just blows my mind how good and faithful God is and how he works in such unexpected ways.
We've just received the new 'Jesus loves Ibiza' bibles and we reckon we've given out over 100 in just under 2 weeks! People are hungry for God's word! The bibles themselves are Message translations of the new testament and we've found that people are looking to read God's word. I've had a few people coming up and asking if I have any of those 'cool bibles' and people come into the centre looking for a copy of it. It's amazing to think that among all the darkness that happens in the West End God's word is being read on the streets and friends are talking about it together. We had one guy come into the centre this week who was given a new testament 6 weeks ago and he's read it cover to cover! We've had people asking us what parts of it mean and a guy said 'I'm reading the bible every day because my friend is'. I love it that God's word is being read on these streets by people who don't yet know Jesus. My prayer is that God would reveal himself to them through the bible and they would come into a relationship with the father which means they don't have to live this crazy unfulfilling life of drink, drugs and sex, but that they would know the father, the life-giver and the creator of the sunsets in Ibiza.
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