I don't know how many of you actually know what exactly i'm doing out here so I thought i'd share a typical day in my life here in Ibiza.
12.30/1pm- I Wake up around 12.30 in the afternoon and have breakfast! It's a very strange life being almost nocturnal. I am a person who needs quite a lot of sleep, and it's really important that we rest enough here because the work is draining and the wee hours of the night can be quite long!
4.00-8.00- Centre. From 4pm-8pm we open our centre in the West End of San Antonio (just off the main strip where all the bars and clubs are) The centre is for people who have come to work out here in Ibiza for the summer, we offer free internet and have a Wii and table tennis table for people just to hang out and have a place to get away from all the crazy-ness of life in Ibiza. We also have a prayer room attached which is open for people just to explore, write prayer requests and just spend some time with God. I really like the work in the centre because it gives us a chance just to get to know people better, get to know their stories and take an interest in their lives. Quite often people come out here expecting that finding a job and living for the summer will be easy, but often jobs are hard to come by, they have long hours, bad pay and often the flats they live in aren't great living conditions, the centre offers a place to get away from that and talk to someone if they need to.
11.30-5.00am- Streets At night (Monday-Thursday) we work out in the West End. There's no way I could describe a typical night because every night is so varied and literally anything can happen. Sometimes we are talking to holiday makers, sometimes wheeling people home in our wheelchair and other times helping people who are totally wasted get home (the taxis wont take them in this state) Last weekend a holiday maker the guys were helping home poo'd himself in the van! Literally anything can happen!
5.30am- Bed I think this explains itself and it is very welcome at the end of a long night!
on call- We are on call Friday and Saturday and respond to call outs from bars and clubs in San An if they see someone outside their bar that needs our help.
Community time- Every weekend we try to spend time together as a community just hanging out and having fun. Our community is spread out over 3 houses so it's nice to have everyone in the same place at the same time.
Sunday Service- Every sunday we have a small informal service in our centre in the West-End. We welcome such a huge range of ragamuffins it's brilliant! From Prostitutes to drug dealers, you never know who might turn up.
Any other times we are free we try and get to some clubs. It's a wee bit of a shock to the system though when you start a night out at 2am! (my wee Northern Irish body is ready for home on a night out at 1!!)
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